The Trustee toolkit is a free online learning programme from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) developed to help trustees meet the trustee knowledge and understanding (TKU) requirements.
You’ll need to register and create an account. This will enable you to save your progress and print a personalised development record which records your progress and achievements.
The programme is split into separate modules designed to enable you to dip in and out of the content and learn at your own pace.
Each module contains:
If you are a novice we recommend you start with the scenarios in each elearning module, as you will be directed to tutorials as required.
If you are more experienced we would recommend you start with the assessment to test your knowledge. When you review your assessment, you can find out which questions you got right or wrong. You will also be told which tutorial the questions is related to in the elearning module.
Essential learning modules are those recommended for your scheme type and size to help meet the minimum requirements under the trustee knowledge and understanding scope requirements.
Additional learning modules are non-essential and optional but may help with specific issues within your scheme to expand your learning.
This is replicated on your development record. When you first start your learning all the essential learning modules will be shown as ‘not attempted’ on your development record. The status of each will change as you pass assessments.
The average time for all users of the toolkit is approximately 16.5 hours but this will depend both on the type of scheme, the learner’s previous experience and the course they take through the learning. It is designed so that experienced trustees can ‘fast-track’ their learning, for example by trying the assessments first if they feel confident they know the topic the elearning module covers.
To help you plan your studies you can download a quick guide to personal development alongside a learning needs analysis tool, learning log and study planner. Download the tools.
We archived these modules on 6th April 2017 and so they are no longer be available to complete.
These modules were additional learning and did not form part of the essential learning programme related to trustee knowledge and understanding (TKU).
These modules became out of date. Before automatically updating them, we took the opportunity to review any alternative sources of information for trustees and found that more comprehensive and detailed information is already available on our website.
Rather than having multiple products available which could be confusing for our customers, we decided to remove the out of date content and leave only the web content.
You can find this support here:
This module was launched on 24 April 2015 and is aimed at trustees of DB schemes. It replaces two modules which were archived in July 2014 (Fund management and Strategic investment) and covers the trustee knowledge and understanding scope Unit 6 - Strategic asset allocation.
The module covers:
The programme is split into separate modules designed to enable you to dip in and out of the content and learn at your own pace.
Each module contains:
If you are a novice we recommend you start with the scenarios in each elearning module, as you will be directed to tutorials as required.
If you are more experienced we would recommend you start with the assessment to test your knowledge. When you review your assessment, you can find out which question you got right or wrong. You will also be told which tutorial the question is reated to in the elearning module.
The toolkit has been designed to help you meet the minimum requirements under trustee knowledge and understanding (TKU) within 6 months of becoming a trustee as required in our code of practice. If you are already a trustee you will find the toolkit a very useful refresher and it may fill in some gaps you didn’t know you had.
As you complete modules you will be able to print your development record which shows your progress and achievements to evidence your learning. From time to time we will update modules or add new learning tools, so it is worth revisiting the toolkit often to get up to date and print an updated development record.
We request feedback from Trustee toolkit customers every year via our online survey. In 2016 91% of respondents rated the toolkit positively overall, 98% would recommend it to others and 96% felt more confident carrying our their duties as a direct result of studying the Trustee toolkit.
You can also provide feedback via our form, found on the homepage. We review this monthly. Customer feedback drives improvements to the toolkit.
Based upon your scheme type and size we have split the modules into essential and additional learning.
This is replicated on your development record. When you first start your learning all the essential learning modules will be shown as ‘not attempted’ on your development record. The status of each will change as you pass assessments.
Essential learning modules are those recommended for your scheme type and size to help meet the minimum requirements under the trustee knowledge and understanding scope requirements.
Additional learning modules are non-essential and optional but may help with specific issues within your scheme such a partial buy-out or wind-up or to expand your learning.
The average time for all users of the toolkit is approximately 16.5 hours but this will depend both on the type of scheme, the learner’s previous experience and the course they take through the learning. It is designed so that experienced trustees can ‘fast-track’ their learning, for example by trying the assessments first if they feel confident they know the topic the elearning module covers.
To help you plan your studies you can download a quick guide to personal development alongside a learning needs analysis tool, learning log and study planner. Download the tools.
You simply select the module you wish to open from the ‘Your learning’ screen. You will then be taken to the course page where you can launch the available learning materials for that topic. The elearning module opens in the same window.
No, it is up to you in which order you complete the modules. If you are new to occupational pension schemes and/or the trustee role it may be beneficial to start with ‘Introducing pension schemes’ to build a base of knowledge that is required in later modules. However, if you are more experienced you may wish to select later modules where you want to refresh your knowledge first.
It is up to you how to work through each module.
If you are a novice we recommend you start with the scenarios in each elearning module, as you will be directed to tutorials as required.
If you are more experienced we would recommend you start with the assessment to test your knowledge. When you review your assessment, you can find out which questions you got right or wrong. You will also be told which tutorial the questions is related to in the elearning module.
The scenarios follow a fictional trustee board that you are part of as they make day-to-day decisions about the running of their scheme.
The tutorials provide the technical background to help you complete the scenarios and/or pass the assessments. They will often feature fictional case studies to help explain difficult concepts.
The case examples feature mainly fictitious examples to illustrate the key learning points from the tutorials. You may be able to research some of these further online.
The ‘check your scheme’ worksheet will help you apply the learning from the scenarios, tutorials and case examples to your own scheme. It is important that you complete these as they bridge the gap between theory and practice. These can be downloaded from the course page, through the Resources tab as a worksheet to complete or from within the module itself at the end of each scenario.
Often you will be tasked with reading through your scheme documents or speaking to other trustees on your board to answer key questions about your own scheme.
Throughout the scenarios and tutorials you’ll be asked questions so that you can confirm that you have understood the learning points. Sometimes you will be asked questions where thinking through the topic yourself and having a go at answering the question is the learning. It does not matter if you get these questions wrong as you will be provided with detailed feedback.
You will also find a short assessment on the course page to test your understanding of the topics covered. You do not have to complete the elearning module in order to try the assessment.
It is important to keep records of your progress with Trustee knowledge and understanding. When you first create your account a development record will be available for you to download. To begin with this will list all of the essential learning modules for your scheme type and size with the status ‘Not passed’. As you pass assessments for these modules the status will change to either ‘passed’ or ‘distinction’ depending on your score.
Any additional learning module you have passed will be listed under ‘Additional learning’ on your development record. Any modules that you have passed/or completed in the case of wind-up which have subsequently been archived will be listed under ‘Archived modules’ on your development record.
No. You can just take the assessment and if you achieve a passing score your development record will be updated with this achievement.
You can find pass marks for each module in two places:
You only need to achieve a pass in each essential learning assessment to record this achievement on your development record. However if you have scored particularly highly in any of the assessments you may be awarded a distinction for that module which will be displayed on your development record.
Yes. In March 2016 we added a new feature in response to customer feedback. From the course page you can now select to 'Review previous assessments'. This will show you your assessment history. You can then select individual attempts to review. This will show you each question, your response and whether this was correct or incorrect.
Where a question is answered incorrectly you will be provided with the name of the tutorial related to that question. This will help you to focus your learning just on those tutorials when you next open the elearning module.
If you passed the assessment before this new feature was added you will not be able to review that assessment, only new attempts since the change.
In March 2016 we added the 'Review previous assessments' feature in response to customer feedback. However, if you passed the assessment before this new feature was added you will not be able to review that assessment, only new attempts since the change.
In March 2016 we added the 'Review previous assessments' feature in response to customer feedback. However, if you attempted the assessment before this new feature was added only your highest score awarded will be available for you to view. Since the change, any new attempts will be added to your history and will be available for review.
Yes you can. We added this feature in March 2016. When you have saved an assessment part way through you can return to it by selecting 'Continue assessment' on the course page.
No, there is no requirement to send your development record to TPR, it is for your records only.
The toolkit will be updated as and when changes to pensions legislation or industry practice dictate. The last major update to content took place in July 2014 and the last time a new module was added was April 2015. We will notify you of any significant changes in advance via email provided you have selected ‘yes’ for email notifications.
It is not a mandatory requirement to complete the Trustee toolkit. However, under the Pensions Act 2004 it is a requirement that pension trustees have appropriate knowledge and understanding of pensions and trust law, scheme investment and funding, and are conversant with their own scheme documents within 6 months of becoming a trustee. The Trustee toolkit is one way to help meet those requirements. The Scope Guidance tells you what you need to know and understand. Find out more about the trustee knowledge and understanding Scope Guidance.
We have provided a learning needs analysis tool which lists all of the trustee knowledge and understanding scope requirements and where you can find related learning in the toolkit. Download the tool.
On the ‘Your Learning’ screen you’ll have access to additional learning modules. These could include core toolkit modules that were not essential for your scheme type and size but may be beneficial to expand your knowledge.
In addition TPR website has a wealth of support for trustees.
No, the Trustee toolkit development record is not a recognised qualification. However, there are a range of courses offered for pension scheme trustees and the Pensions Management Institute (PMI) offers an exam. Find out more about PMI Awards in Pension Trusteeship.
Please can you contact our Customer Support team either by telephone on 0345 600 5666. Or by email
In March 2016 we launched a new version of the Trustee toolkit elearning modules which removed the need to have Adobe Flash Player installed on your device. We took this opportunity to ensure that the new modules were optimised for all customers in one version and so you can use screen readers with this new version of the elearning, there is no longer a seperate version. You can also download all of the learning content as accessible PDFs from the 'Resources' tab.
The information you provide will determine the essential learning modules you need to pass to complete your development record. For example, trustees of large defined benefit schemes will find all of the modules relevant however trustees of smaller defined contribution schemes will not be required to complete modules focused on defined benefit schemes.
The learning will trigger you to apply the learning to the day-to-day practical running of your own scheme, particularly when you are working through the ‘check your scheme’ worksheet.
We would suggest you read through your scheme documents first and if you still have questions, raise them with your fellow trustees or scheme administrator.
When you sign up for the Trustee toolkit, you will be asked to provide information which includes your name, the type of trustee you are (if you are a trustee), the type of scheme of which you are a trustee and an email address.
This information allows us to provide you with a development record and will inform you of any future releases of the elearning programme and encourage you to complete it.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is a data controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. We process personal data we hold for the purpose of the exercise of any of our statutory functions and objectives. We may also process personal data under other legislation such as the Fraud Act. This includes, for the avoidance of doubt, taking regulatory or enforcement action for breach of any of these legislation.
When you sign up for the Trustee toolkit, you will be asked to provide information which includes your name, the type of trustee you are (if you are a trustee), the type of scheme of which you are a trustee and an email address. This information allows us to provide you with a development record and will inform you of any future releases of the e-learning programme and encourage you to complete it. Providing this information is not a statutory requirement, however if you are using the Trustee Toolkit to be able to demonstrate the required skill and competency then we will need to process your information. If you do not provide your information then you will not be able to proceed with completing the Trustee Toolkit.
We will only store your personal data for as long as TPR’s retention schedule allows. During this time, you may be able to exercise certain rights in relation to your personal data such as the right to access, objection and data portability. If you feel that we have handled your personal data in a manner inconsistent with your rights, you may lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
If you have any questions about how we handle your personal data please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) by email at or you can write to us at Napier House, Trafalgar Place, Brighton, BN1 4DW. Further information on how your personal data is used, kept secure and your rights can be found by reading our privacy notice.
We provide a free online learning programme called the 'Public Service toolkit' aimed at those running public service schemes (as defined in section 318 of the Pensions Act 2004). Existing Trustee toolkit account holders who are involved in running these schemes can add this new programme to their Trustee toolkit account by selecting 'Add course' on the 'Your learning' screen. This course is not available to trustees, except independent trustees.
The option to add the Public Service toolkit should be on the right hand side of the 'Your learning' screen. If this is not available if could be due to one of two reasons.
In March 2016 new versions of the Trustee toolkit essential learning modules were launched. These no longer require Adobe Flash Player and should now work on the most popular tablets. They have not been optimised for use on mobile or 'phablet' devices. The elearning modules require a screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
The elearning modules have been tested using Apple, Android and Windows based tablets. We have not tested them using Kindle.
The elearning modules have been optimised for tablets, laptops and pcs only with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. They are not optimised for mobile phone or 'phablets'. We don’t recommend studying for up to 16.5 hours on a mobile phone sized screen. However you will still be able to download all of the content as PDFs to your mobile.
You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer. You can download this free from the Adobe website.
Audio is not currently used in the Trustee toolkit.
We do check all the links in the toolkit from time to time however sometimes pages do move on external websites which break the links. Please can you email us via: It would be useful to let us know which module the broken link was in, whether it was a scenario, tutorial, case example or check your scheme and what the screen number was.
The modules are designed to work online. However we appreciate not everyone likes to learn in front of a computer so we have made all of the toolkit learning content available as downloadable resources from the 'Resources' tab once you are logged in. These can be saved or printed so you can learn offline. You can also use these to help you in your role.
The Trustee toolkit is freely available on the internet at no cost. If you do not have internet access at home or work, you should be able to access the Trustee toolkit from public computer terminals, for example from libraries or internet cafes.
To change and update your new email address/personal information on the Trustee toolkit, you will need to log in to the toolkit using your current details.
You can do this by selecting your name in the top right corner of the screen and selecting 'Profile' from the drop down menu. Here you can view your current details and if you need to make any changes, you can select 'Edit profile'.
When you have finished editing your profile information don’t forget to select ‘Update profile’ at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
You provide the details of the name you would like to appear on your development record and your scheme name on your profile. You can do this either by selecting your name at the top of the screen and then selecting ‘Edit profile’ or from both the ‘Your learning’ and Resources’ tabs you can select ‘My profile settings’ and then ‘Edit profile’. You will need to enter your name and scheme name under the section ‘development record’.
When you have finished editing your profile information don’t forget to select ‘Update profile’ at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
The date printed on the development record is date is the date it was printed.
The issue date, shown on the development record summary screen, is the date your development record was first created for you to print.
These three documents were replaced by one simple development record in July 2014. This records your progress and achievements for the whole time you have a toolkit account. In the future as we add new learning modules and update or replace old ones, the development record will capture any progress you make with these modules as well and can be printed and placed in your learning file to prove ongoing learning.
Select ‘Log in’ from the homepage and then select the ‘Forgotten your password?’ link. You’ll then be asked to enter the email registered to the account. If you have updated your profile to include a security question, you’ll be asked to enter the answer. If correct, you’ll then be asked to provide a new password.
If you do not have a security question saved to your account the system will email a new password to the email address on your profile. Once you have logged in using this password you will need to update it to one of your own choosing.
If at any point you enter an unknown email address or do not answer the security question correctly you’ll need to call our Customer Support team for help on 0345 600 5666.
Please check your junk/spam folder first as the email may have been automatically diverted away from your inbox. The email may also have been caught in your company firewall so it’s worth checking with your IT Department.
If, however, you still have not received this please contact our Customer Support team on 0345 600 5666 and they will be able to help you either change the email address on the account or set up a new password. You can do this either by selecting your name at the top of the screen and then selecting ‘Reset your password’ or from both the ‘Your learning’ and Resources’ tabs you can select ‘My profile settings’ and then ‘Reset your password’.
You’ll need to provide us with confirmation that you wish for your account to be deactivated (where it can be reactivated later upon your request) or deleted (you will need to re-register) in writing.
Or you can write to us:
The Pensions RegulatorFax: 0870 2411144
We will need to verify you are the account owner before we act upon the request, so please provide us with a telephone number and email address so we can contact you if required.
You can call our Customer Support helpline on 0345 600 5666. This support is available Monday to Friday 9am until 5.30pm. Or you can email via:
The toolkit has been optimized for 1024 x 768 screen resolution.
The elearning modules have been tested using JAWS for Windows. Although the programme may work with other readers, there may be conflict with shortcut keys.
Following the significant update to the modules in July 2014 there is currently no audio in the Trustee toolkit.
This section provides information to help you use this website.
We are not responsible for the content or reliability of linked websites. Although we exercise our discretion when choosing the links we provide, you should not view this as our endorsement of the linked websites. We cannot guarantee that linked sites will work all of the time and we have no control over the availability of them. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that use of our website is safe and interruption free, we cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst using material from the website or from any website linked to it.
We do not guarantee that this website will be compatible with all or any hardware and software which you may use or that this website will be available all the time or at any specific time.
We make every effort to check and test material at all stages of production. It is always wise for you to run an anti-virus program on all material downloaded from the internet.
Some documents available on this website are published in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF).
The free Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to view, navigate, and print PDF (Portable Document Format) files across all major computing platforms. This can be downloaded from the Adobe website.Visit the Adobe reader download page.
If your screen reader software (for example an audio-enabled web browser) is not compatible with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe provides a free online tool which converts the content of PDF files to a format which can be understood by most screen reader applications.
You can submit the URL (the website address) of the document either via email or web form, and the content will be converted either to HTML (ie standard web page format) or to plain text. Alternatively, you can email the document you wish to read as an attachment.
For more information and full details of how to use this tool, visit: